Thursday, April 30, 2015

Green Sauce for Enchiladas

Green Sauce for Enchiladas
(3 short cups)


1 medium Dried Cascabel Chili
2 tbsp. Canola Oil
1 medium White Onion, chopped
2 cloves Fresh Garlic, minced
2 cups Canned Tomatillos, drained


First soak the chili in hot water for 30 minutes or until it softens.  Drain, remove stem, cut in half and remove seeds.  Set aside for later.  In a large skillet over medium heat, warm oil and then add onion and garlic.  Sauté for 4-5 minutes or until translucent.  Chop the chili and tomatillos before adding to the onion mixture.  Cook, stirring constantly, until the tomatillos start to break up.  Lower heat and simmer sauce for about 10 minutes.  Let cool slightly before pureeing it in a blender.  Pour over rolled enchiladas, sprinkle with cheese and bake about 30 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and starting to brown.

Note:               If you can’t find dried Cascabel chili, you can substitute a dried Ancho chili.

Ideas for Future Efforts

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