Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Up Dating the Cookbook

It's a big day today.  I am sending the "final proof" back to the publisher.  I found some errors, of which some were the printing process and some were the author's.  With any luck I have found them all.  However, I'm not going to hold my breath on being correct.  Besides, it will give people something to look for as they use the cookbook.

I should be hearing from the marketing people soon.  But with the 4th of July holiday coming up, I'm sure it will be after the 4th.  This is going to be different now that the cookbook has been put to bed, so to speak.

The whole writing, editing, etc. is over.  I now have to change my mind set and think about how we are going to promote the cookbook.  Totally new area for me again.  I have promoted eating locations, catering and all the things to bring customers in to eat in an establishment.  I just haven't dealt with book buyers and sellers.

One of my younger brothers is a librarian but that is as close as I get to the subject.  Of course I'm a buyer of books.  Really more of cookbooks than just reading type books.  I believe my cookbooks number in triple digits.

Well, I'm excited and nervous at the same time about this next phase in the cookbook process.  Let's hope I have the ability to sell snow to Eskimos as we deal with the book buyers.

This week, we will talk a little about organizing your kitchen.  Just some basics to get you started and maybe save you some time and effort.  It is the 4th of July coming up and that makes for a great 3-day grilling weekend.  So this week's recipe is for a good burger.

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