Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

I have one chapter in my cookbook that talks about breakfast and then offers 16 recipes for the meal.  So far in doing this food blog, I have not mentioned breakfast or given any recipes.  I'll change that this week and offer two recipes, one tomorrow and another on Friday.

If you don't have a copy of my cookbook this alone would be a very good reason to get one.  Remember that besides being in print, the cookbook is offered in e-book format too.  Just click on the appropriate link in the left column of any page of this blog.

Back to breakfast and let's talk about how it is the most important meal of the day.  Here I'm referring to breakfast as a time of day and not the actual food.  When we rise and shine in the morning (your morning depending on your schedule) the first meal of the day is referred to as breakfast.  The reason that meal is important - it gets our day started.  It gives us energy, starts and supports our minds and keeps the rumbles from the stomach in check.  A meal to begin the day really does fuel the body and mind, not to mention the soul.

Everyone loves to eat breakfast items or recipes but most don't take the time to do it.  At least not when they get up to start their day.  I won't harp that you need to eat these breakfast items but I do want you to put something in your mouth to kick-start your day.  Cold pizza is better than nothing.  Please take the time to more than just a latte or espresso.  Even a smoothie would be good.

The time between the last thing you eat (hopefully a meal) before bed and when you first item of the new day is the longest one usually goes without some food.  If you skip that chance for something, it makes for a much longer time to food.  It means you don't function to your capabilities for that first part of your day (job).  So get with it, plan a little and enjoy whatever turns you on nourishment wise.

Here is yesterday's KQ2 segment for Bleu Bacon Burgers.  This was my last show for KQ2 because of our move to another town.  I'm hoping to connect with another TV station and continue with my cooking segments.  They will be put on my video page of the blog when I start again.

Next week I will talk more about breakfast food.  Have a good week and no grand-baby yet.

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