Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ABC Evening News & Buy American Campaign

I've been watching the ABC Evening News the last few weeks.  They have had stories on "Buying American" several times and I thought I would pass it along.

Their claim is that Americans average around $700 in holiday spending on gifts per person.  Now remember that is an average.  However, someone has calculated that if everyone would just spend $64 of that $700 figure on products made in America, we would create 200,000 NEW jobs.

That's not a bad start for a nation that needs to lower the unemployment rate quite a bit.

I'm going to try and do my part.  But it is not easy.  If you want to help, please check carefully where the products are made.  Most seem to be made in places other than America.

As Holidays are approaching quickly and if you are still looking for a item, let me suggest my cookbook.  It does make a great gift.  Guess what, it is made in America too!

We are going to talk about planning our holiday meal and snacks tomorrow.  On Thursday and Friday, it will be more recipes for the holidays.  Enjoy trying some of them.  Also, I'm on KQ2 TV this Monday (19th) between 6:30 and 7:00 AM.  Please tune in if you get that station.

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