Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Ways to Think of Brussels Sprouts

Oh no, not "Brussels Sprouts" tonight.  I think many a kid screamed that as a youngster.  I know I did.  But when I was young, only carrots, corn and green beans crossed my lips as a vegetable. Thankfully, our taste buds change as we mature.  I love Brussels sprouts today.  Especially roasted in a the oven with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  Simple but tasty (I even add fresh garlic occasionally).

I think the big problem back then was most people just boiled them.  That didn't do much to make them appealing.  We experiment more today with food and different techniques to come up with some incredible dishes.

Take this week's recipes.  Tomorrow's recipe uses it in a delicious salad (Brussels Sprouts Salad).  On Thursday, it is in a frittata (Brussels Sprouts Frittata with Bacon & Gruyere) that works for any mealtime.

So why should we eat Brussels sprouts?  Besides the culinary angle, they are good for you.  Health-wise, Brussels sprouts are a good source for fiber, vitamins K & C, low in fat, sodium and cholesterol.  Not to mention they are good against cancer too.

In picking good ones at the store or farmer's market, look for bright green and firm sprouts.  Don't buy them if their stems are dark (slight discoloration is alright), it means they are old.  Always remove the outer leaves and slice off the end of  the core.  They can come to you in two different ways.  Mostly, they come individually loose or in bags.  But they also come still on the stalk.  Here you will need to cut them off before starting on your recipe.  They keep best in the refrigerator if kept in the coldest section or area.  The closer to freezing (but not freezing) the temperature the better.

Grilling, frying, roasting or even steaming are the best cooking techniques to use.  And, of course, eating them raw works too.  For that, separate the leaves or thinly slice the Brussels sprouts.  Use your imagination and create your own dish using Brussels sprouts.

So until next week, "Happy Cooking" and give those "Brussels Sprouts" a try.  Also, please share my blog site with your family and friends.  Especially those needed a little help in the kitchen.  Thanks.

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