Thursday, July 27, 2017

Oven Smoked Back Ribs

Oven Smoked Back Ribs
(2-4 servings)


2 Full Racks of Pork Back Ribs
1 large Yellow Onion, sliced ½ inch thick
6 large cloves Fresh Garlic, mashed
2 cups water
2 tbsp. Liquid Smoke
3 tbsp. Black Pepper
3 tbsp. Seasoned Salt
1/3 cup Paprika (your choice on type)
1 bottle BBQ Sauce (your favorite)


Peel membrane off the underside of each rack of ribs, if not already removed.  In a large roasting pan, combine water and liquid smoke.  Place onion slices and garlic evenly around the pan.  The onion will support the ribs so they are not in the water.  Sprinkle the pepper, salt and paprika evenly over the two racks of ribs.  Cover roaster with a tight seal of foil and place in a pre-heated 300-degree oven.  Bake for 3 to 3½ hours or until done.  Remove from oven and uncover.  You now have several options.  So see notes below.

Note:               You can let them rest for 15-20
                        minutes and serve with your
                        favorite bbq sauce.

Note:               You can remove from roaster and drain liquid off before returning them to the roaster.  Then spread bbq sauce all over them and return to oven uncovered for 30 minutes at an increased temperature of 350-degrees.  Remove and let rest 15-20 minutes before serving.

Note:               You can sauce them and place them on your pre-heated outside grill (medium heat), meaty side down for 10 minutes.  Turn them over and sauce meaty side again, grilling another 10 minutes.  Then remove and serve.

Note:               You can remove them from the roaster and let cool.  Then wrap in plastic followed by foil and either refrigerate or freeze for later use.

Note:               You could also cut the rack into pieces of 2 or 3 ribs before starting.  Or after they come out of the oven the first time, but before you continue with one of the note ideas above.

Ideas for Future Efforts

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