Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another Burger or Hot Dog Topping

It’s summer time and grilling is going on all over.  Burgers and hot dogs are probably the top meats being grilled in the backyard or campsite.

I’m sure that ketchup and mustard are the top two toppings as well.  I know many people will be using cheese, pickles, lettuce and tomatoes, which are also standard toppings for these two sandwiches.

But there are a lot of other toppings being used too.  Some you are familiar with and some maybe not.  Bacon, guacamole, bbq sauce and sliced or diced onion are a few more.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave you some recipes for jams to put on burgers and dogs.  There are flavored mayonnaise recipes and spreads you could try.

Currently, a hot topping is “Pickled Red Onions” across the nation.  So this week, I give you two different ones to give a shot.

I’m just calling them “Pickled Red Onions #1” and “Pickled Red Onions #2” for simplicity.  The #1 will be on Wednesday and it will be followed up by #2 on Thursday.

There are many more versions of pickled red onions out there, but I wanted to limit it to two.  If you try these and you like them but think there might be something better still out there.  Hit the internet and search for one you think might excite you more.

Pickled red onions are not only good on these two items but they help take many other sandwiches to another level.  So don’t limit yourself when giving them a try.

Enjoy and “Happy Cooking” until next week and please share the link.  Thanks.

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