Tuesday, April 9, 2013

As "Cabana Boy Cooks" Starts Year Three (3)

As I start year three (3) of "Cabana Boy Cooks" I'd like to thank everyone that checks out my blog.  It's very nice to see that foreign followers are increasing.  Russia continues to be number two after the USA with the most hits.  However, Germany, Latvia, United Kingdom and Ukraine are making up ground on Russia in the past few months.  Even Australia and Canada (English speaking countries) are picking up their numbers.  Again, thank you to everyone and please spread the blog link to more family and friends.

In last week's blog, I mentioned that a few categories were falling behind in the number of recipes they held.  This week to continue what I started last week, I've got two breakfast recipes for you.  The first is "Ham Biscuit Cups" and they are quick and easy.  Also handy for finger food to be eaten on the run.  The second recipe is for a dish called "Country Casserole" and can be made just in time for a meal or the night before so morning isn't so hectic.  Please try them as I know you will enjoy them.

I will be sharing more on my "Blog Assistant" (my 10 month old granddaughter) as the third year goes on.  I'm a proud grandpa and will have to brag on her development.  I can already tell you that she is "Off  the Charts" in most areas.  At least in my eyes.  She is eating solid foods and has "loved" everything I've made for her to try.  That alone tells you what a smart little granddaughter I have in the works.

Last week I mentioned that the blog would be getting a face-lift.  It will not happen all at once.  But it will start next week and change daily/weekly over the next few weeks.  If you have any suggestions as to what changes you would like to see, please let me know.  Thank you.  The blog will continue to be out on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week.  The plan is to still offer two recipes a week with an occasional third recipe when warranted.

Next week will be "Part Eight of Italian (Bread Baking) Cooking" and there will be three recipes with it.  That third recipe will appear on Friday of that week.

In the mean time, get in the kitchen and "Happy Cooking'!

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