Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cookbook Update

Thank you to everyone that responded to cookbook cover.  All of you were very nice and I received no negative responses.  Of course, I'm very excited about it and everything that is still to come in regards to the cookbook.

I have picked up my photo proofs for my picture that is to be on the back cover of the cookbook.  The photographer, Bill, wants me to narrow it down to 3 proofs.  Then he will send them to my design editor and see which one she likes the best.

I started working with my layout editor last week.  We put our game plan together last Thursday.  It really is amazing how my word document is going from just pages of typing to an actual creation of a book.  In just over a month, I should have an actual copy of the cookbook in my hands.  Granted, it is the proof copy and I have to go through each page and word to make sure there are no mistakes.  But to have a copy in my hands in just less than two years from when I put down the first words is amazing as well as exciting.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk about knives and cutting boards.  Until then, have some fun in the kitchen trying something new!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barry,
    Help me out with a Memorial Day menu....I want to make your chicken burgers...what would go with that?
